Turkish drone attack in Shengal

The Turkish state continues its crimes against the Kurdish population in various parts of Kurdistan.

A Turkish drone carried out a strike on Mount Serdesht in the Yazidi town of Shengal (Sinjar) on Sunday.

According to RojNews, the attack at 14:00 local time targeted a car near the Serdesht Camp, injuring three people.

The Autonomous Administration of Shengal or the local defense units have not made a statement about the attack yet.

Bombing civilian targets constitutes a war crime. International silence, however, allows Turkey to continue carrying out such attacks. The Turkish Air Force systematically terrorizes the people of South Kurdistan by carrying out air strikes that repeatedly result in deaths and injuries. Most recently, the village of Gulalê in Şarbajêr was attacked by warplanes at least ten times. At the same time, the villages of Bolê and Dola Şawrê in the mountains of Binarê Qendîl were also attacked from the air. Likewise, the village Êsêwe in the Raperîn region was bombed, causing the breaking of the windows of many houses.

On 5 September, a Turkish drone attacked the city hall of Binarê Qendîl. A city council van was hit in front of the building, causing significant damage to other local council vehicles and the city hall building.

At the end of May, Said Êşur (Said Ashor) was killed in a Turkish drone attack on a residential building in Xanesor. The Yazidi man, who lost numerous relatives in the ISIS raid inShŞengal, had been working for the British NGO Mines Advisory Group (MAG), which works internationally on demining in crisis and conflict areas, since 2016. The Turkish state, on the other hand, claimed Êşur was a "terrorist". At the end of February, two commanders of the YBŞ (Shengal Resistance Units), Pîr Çeko and Agir Cefrî, were killed in a drone strike. Two days later, Şêrzad Şemo Qasim from the leadership of the local security forces, Asayîşa Êzdîxanê, was killed, also by an air strike. Both organisations, the YBŞ and the Asayîşa Êzdîxanê, were founded under the impression of the genocide perpetrated by ISIS against the Yazidi community of Shengal in 2014.

Shengal is the last contiguous settlement area of the Yazidi community. Under the pretext of "fighting the PKK", Turkish warplanes and drones have increasingly been carrying out air strikes there since 2017. The specific targets are mostly facilities of the Democratic Autonomous Assembly of Shengal (MXDŞ) or the self-defence units.