Turkey killed 7 people in Southern Kurdistan in 3 days and silence continues

Turkey massacred 7 civilians in Southern Kurdistan in 3 days and neither the Iraqi government nor the Kurdistan Region authorities expressed any reaction. The continuation of silence increases the risk of massacres continuing.

The attacks carried out by the occupying Turkish state in cooperation with Iraq and the KDP (the ruling party in southern Kurdistan/northern Iraq) continue. Civilians are being massacred in the attacks carried out by the Turkish state with the approval of Iraq and the KDP. All the citizens targeted by the attacks, among them children, are Kurds who have Iraqi identity and live in the Kurdistan Region.

Despite the increasingly ongoing deadly attacks, both the Iraqi government and the interim government of the Kurdistan Region remain silent against the massacres of the Turkish state.

7 civilians killed in 3 days

On 3 September, an artillery attack by the occupying Turkish state targeted Merge Hewş village in Sinînê highland, in Sîdekan district in the Biradost region of Hewlêr (Erbil). A citizen named Bedi Kemal Muhammed was martyred in the attack.

On 4 September, a Turkish UCAV bombed a vehicle on the Xelekan-Kaniwatman road in Dukan district of Sulaymaniyah. Muzaffer Hussein Xidir and his 2 sons, Muhammad Muzaffer (15) and Mubin Muzaffer (12), who came from Haji Awa, were killed in the attack.

Another UCAV attack by the occupying Turkish state targeted another civilian vehicle yesterday (5 September) in Hermêle village in Çiwarta sub-district in Şarbajêr district of Sulaymaniyah. In this brutal attack, 3 people, including a child, were martyred.

The Turkish state massacred 7 civilians in 3 days, but so far there has been no reaction from the governments of Iraq and the Kurdistan Region and other authorities. The world is also watching the massacres against the Kurdish people and chooses silence.

23 civilians have been killed since the beginning of the year

With the latest attacks, 23 civilians have been killed and at least 12 people injured in the massacres carried out by the occupying Turkish state in Southern Kurdistan since the beginning of the year.

KCK calls on Baghdad to withdraw from the agreement with Ankara

Following the latest wave of deadly attacks in Southern Kurdistan, the KCK (Kurdistan Communities Union) Foreign Relations Committee made the following appeal to the Iraqi government: “We call on the Iraqi government, political leaders, and political parties to understand that an agreement with Recep Tayyip Erdoğan means an agreement with ISIS and is definitely not in the interests of the Iraqi people and state. The plans of a fascist dictator like Erdoğan cannot be thwarted by bowing to him and giving him legitimacy, but by fighting him. It is in Iraq’s interest to turn away from this mistake of signing the agreement as soon as possible. Only in this way can future damage and danger be prevented."