Turkish fighter jets bomb Binarê Qendîl

The Turkish state continues its genocidal campaign in Kurdish territories.

According to reports from the ground, warplanes of the occupying Turkish state bombarded Berê Qepan forest near the village of Endze in Sengeser and Derbî Mountain in Wert district around 15.00 local time Tuesday.

Details about the bombardment were not immediately available.

Binarê Qendîl is located in the Zagros Mountains and borders on Iranian territory. The region is decoupled from the ruling structures of Baghdad and Hewlêr (Erbil) and is organised on a communal level. For years, it has organised itself according to the model of democratic autonomy and the basic principles of the gender-libertarian paradigm of the Kurdish freedom movement. The community consists of the five regions of Navdeşt, Dola Şaroş, Qelatûkan, Maradu and Dola Baleyan and a total of 63 smaller and larger villages, which are repeatedly subjected to attacks by the Turkish army.

In April, a woman was injured in an airstrike on Binarê Qendîl. At the end of September, a 55-year-old woman died as a result of a drone attack in the village of Bokrîskan, while a man survived with serious injuries. The region is also a thorn in the side of Iran's leadership. Last October, a shepherd was shot dead by Iranian border troops in a mountain pasture area. The most brutal attack on Binarê Qendîl to date was the Zergelê massacre in August 2015, when Turkish fighter jets bombed the village in three waves, killing eight civilians. A further 15 people were injured, some of them seriously.

According to the statistics of the Christian Peacemaker Teams (CPT), the occupying Turkish state carried out at least 833 bombardments against the territory of South Kurdistan (North Iraq) in the first 6 months of 2024 and 8 civilians were killed in these attacks.