Turkish state builds a new road in Berwari

RojNews agency reported that the occupying Turkish state started construction of a new in Bewarî and prevents citizens from entering the area.

The invasion attacks of the occupying Turkish state against the territory of Southern Kurdistan (Northern Iraq) continue uninterruptedly. The genocidal Turkish state, which suffered a great defeat against the Kurdistan Freedom Guerrillas, built dozens of military bases in Southern Kurdistan with the support of the ruling KDP.

According to a RojNews report based on information obtained from local sources, the occupying Turkish state started the construction of a new road in the village of Keste in the Berwarî neighbourhood at the foot of Mount Metîna with large construction equipment.

The source said that the occupying Turkish state prevented journalists and citizens from entering the region and that the villagers living in the region could not enter their lands and carry out their agricultural activities.

The occupying Turkish state has built dozens of military bases and intelligence centres 40 kilometres inside Southern Kurdistan. Turkish occupation. Iraq and the Kurdistan Region Government remain silent against the invasion and genocide attacks of the occupying Turkish state.