Writer Ferac: Turkey attacks the PKK because it represents Kurds

Ferac stated that the Turkish state is trying to demolish the South Kurdistan project, which has been built through 29 years of efforts.

Speaking to the ANF Sorani service, journalist and writer Letif Fatih Ferac evaluated the current occupation attacks carried out by the Turkish state.

Journalist and writer Letif Fatih Ferac evaluated also the Turkish state's increased attacks on civilians, and the contradictions among political parties in South Kurdistan.

Pointing to the political turmoil in South Kurdistan, Ferac underlined that South Kurdistan is experiencing one of the worst periods.

Ferac said that the rulers in South Kurdistan “cannot stand on their own feet, cannot act with their own forces.”

Ferac added: “In fact, others are actually runnning South Kurdistan.” The journalist underlined that South Kurdistan has indeed lost a significant part of their independence. “In addition, the parties are constantly in disagreement among themselves. This encourages our enemies and breaks the strength of the Kurds.”

Noting that slavery was imposed on South Kurdistan, Ferac stated that this situation "facilitates the attacks of Kurdish enemies".

Stating that the Turkish state is trying to demolish the South Kurdistan project, which has been built through 29 years of efforts, Ferac said: "Turkey is now taking advantage of the political vacuum in the region. The Turkish state has built dozens of infrastructures and bases in South Kurdistan and now it wants to add more in the regions of Sulaymaniyah and Germiyan. This is a war not only against one side but against the entire Kurdish society.”

The Turkish state wants to destroy everything Kurdish and it does so also using the press and intelligence activities as well as culture and arts. "The attitude of the KDP and PUK and the disputes between the various political parties give great encouragement to Turkey."

Journalist Ferac drew attention to the PKK's resistance and Turkish invasion attacks and said: “The rhetoric that the Turkish state is not fighting against the Kurdish people but only against the PKK is a great lie. Turkey is not only fighting against the PKK, it is indeed fighting against all the Kurdish people.”

Ferac continued: “People need to understand that the PKK is representing freedom. Turkey attacks the PKK because they are the representative of the people of Kurdistan."

Stating that the PKK represents humanity today, Ferac said: "If the PKK is defeated and destroyed, it will then be the turn of the KDP and PUK and the other small forces."

Ferac ended his remarks by underlining that “it is time to end the 50-year agreement between the Turkish state and the KDP, because this 50-year agreement has brought about the enslavement of the Kurdistan Region.”