100 fighters start training to join the SDF
100 new fighters started their training at the Martyr Qendîl Academy.
100 new fighters started their training at the Martyr Qendîl Academy.
At the Martyr Qendîl Academy in Tabqa, 100 new combatants have begun their training to join the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF). The training cycle, which will be attended by two brigades of 50 fighters each, will last 45 days, and provide both military and ideological classes. The training program bears the name of Martyr Refet Raqqa, who fell during the campaign for the liberation of Raqqa. It's the second program of its kind this year.
The ceremony marking the initiation of the training was attended by Mihemed Xalîd, Co-Chair of the Defense Council of the Tabqa Civil Democratic Administration, as well as SDF commanders from the Tabqa region, co-chairs of committees under Tabqa Civil Democratic Administration and Tabqa Women's Council officials.
Following a military parade, Fatma Hisen from the Women's Council addressed a few words to the new fighters. Hisen put emphasis on the sacrifices of the martyrs and fighters, which -she said- is the basis of all successes achieved in the region.
In a following speech, Mihemed Xalid highlighted the need to build military defense units in the face of the situation in Syria and to ensure that the people of the region can both defend and rule themselves.
After the speeches, the trainees took their oath. The ceremony ended with Kurdish traditional dance halay.