124 workers lost their life while doing their job
The Laborers' Health and Occupational Safety (ISIG) Assembly, said that at least 124 workers lost their lives in their work place or in work-related incidents in June.
The Laborers' Health and Occupational Safety (ISIG) Assembly, said that at least 124 workers lost their lives in their work place or in work-related incidents in June.
In the first six months of this year, 840 workers in total lost their lives.
According to ISIG:
90 of 124 workers who lost their lives in June 2019 were wage earners (workers and civil servants) while 34 workers were working on their own (farmers and shop owners).
17 of the deceased were women, 107 were men. Women death occured in agriculture and trade sectors.
6 children, two under 14, died in June while working in the agriculture and textile sectors.
13 refugee/migrant workers lost their lives in June 2019. Six were from Syria, five from Afghanistan, one from Iran and one from Uzbekistan.
Agriculture, construction, municipal/general affairs, transport, energy, chemistry, textile, trade/office, mining and metal are the sectors were most work-related death occurred.
The most frequent reasons of death were traffic/service accidents, being poisoned/suffocated, being crushed/trapped under debris, electric shock, explosion/burning, heart attack and falling from a high place.
The highest number of death occurred in İstanbul, Kocaeli, Trabzon, Antalya, Ağrı, Bursa, Aydın, İzmir, Tekirdağ, Zonguldak.
Vast majority of workers who died were not unionised
Only one of the dead workers was unionized (0.8 percent), 123 workers (99.2 percent) were not unionized.
The report has shown that 840 workers in total died in work-related accidents in the first six months of 2019:
61 women, 779 men and 33 child workers (11 under 14), lost their lives in the first half of 2019. 63 of the dead were migrants/refugees.
205 deaths occured in the agriculture sector, 165 in construction, 107 in transport, 54 in municipal/general affairs, 47 in trade/office, 32 in metal, 31 in mining, 25 in energy, 25 in ship/shipyard and 24 in textile.
The highest number of deaths occurred in the provinces of İstanbul (88), Antalya (39), İzmir (38), Kocaeli (33), Ankara (28) and Aydın (28).
Only 14 of the dead workers were unionized (1.66 percent), while 826 were not members of any trade union.