21-year-old murdered by police in Mersin

Police forces attacked the people who took to the streets in the southern province of Mersin yesterday evening to protest the ongoing state terror in the Kurdish region.

Police forces attacked the people who took to the streets in the southern province of Mersin yesterday evening to protest the ongoing state terror in the Kurdish region.

Hundreds from Yeni Pazar, Gündoğdu and Şevket Sümer neighborhoods of central Akdeniz district gathered for a demo in protest at state atrocity and in solidarity with the popular resistance in the areas of self-rule.

Police attacked the mass with live ammunition, which left a 21-year-old youth by the name of Sedat Baran dead, and three others wounded. Body of Baran was taken to Mersin State Hospital's morgue, while the wounded were aken under treatment at the same hospital.

According to reports, police didn't allow an ambulance to the scene after the incident, because of which Baran lost his life at the scene after being shot. He was taken to hospital only after he died.

While the families of Baran and the wounded youths flocked to the hospital, accompanied by HDP executives and co-mayors of HDP-held Akdeniz Municipality, police battered Baran's relative who wanted to enter the morgue. As the mass responded to the intervention, police attacked the crowd with tear gas, which left HDP Mersin co-chair Selman Günbat injured.