5 thousand teachers complete their training in Deir ez-Zor
The teachers who successfully pass the exams will be sent to various schools.
The teachers who successfully pass the exams will be sent to various schools.
One of the pillars of the Democratic Autonomy is education.
Forming teachers is thus crucial in the defining and shaping of a new society and model of governance.
Some 5,100 teachers have completed the summer training sessions given by the Education Committee of the Civil Council of Deir ez-Zor.
They are currently undergoing exams according to the various branches of study.
The teachers who will have successfully passed the exams will then be assigned to the city’ schools by the Education Committee.
The various academies set up in the region have been training teachers for two months this summer so to update them in terms of curricula and teaching related issues.
Kemal al-Mûsa, co-chair of the Education Committee, said that after the training session, teachers are undergoing the final exams before being sent to the schools in the city to take on their job.