Öcalan Mobile Library in Bielefeld

The Öcalan Mobile Library, which is currently touring Germany, has stopped in Bielefeld today.

For weeks, a mobile library has been touring Europe, stopping in many German cities with the writings and ideas of Abdullah Öcalan. For today, the JXK (Students Women from Kurdistan) in Bielefeld had called for participation in a rally with Öcalan-Mobile Library at the main station.

The library and a colorful stand attracted the attention of many interested people. The activists at the stand provided information about Öcalan's ideas, his current situation on the prison island of Imralı and the current political situation in Kurdistan in personal conversations and with speeches. In line with the paradigm of Democratic Confederalism, the activists informed people about Öcalan's ideas on women's liberation, ecology and grassroots democracy and distributed books and brochures. At the same time, activists of the YXK collected signatures for the campaign "100 reasons to prosecute the dictator". The action met with widespread interest at Bielefeld's main train station and ended at 4 p.m. with dances and slogans.