Following the agreement between the central Iraqi government and the Southern Kurdistan Regional Government on Shengal on October 9, 2020, after which the current status of Shengal, the center of the Yazidi faith, has been endangered, the actions of the Kurds and their friends in many countries of the world continue. Shengal Autonomous Democratic Council paid attention to a new invasion plan with its statement on 23 November.
As the concerns about Shengal increased, the Mesopotamia Faiths Platform organized a panel by bringing together all the faith communities in Mesopotamia. The panel attended by Christian Hevramani, Felle, Yarsan, Yazidi, Muslim and Alevi faith representatives living in Mesopotamia was broadcasted live on Zoom on Thursday night.
In the speeches made during the meeting where the issue of how to fight against the dirty policies against the Shengal and Yazidi community was discussed, all faith communities were asked not to remain silent in the process that started after the agreement between the governments of Southern Kurdistan and Iraq.
In the panel, in which it is argued that the invading Turkish state is in pursuit of new games in Shengal through its collaborators, it was emphasized that the Yazidi belief is one of the oldest religion of humanity and the region, and that Shengal should be protected. Stating that Shengal should be a red line not only for Yazidis and but also all faith communities, the speakers called on all religious people and believers to "show sensitivity to Shengal".
The following names attended the panel: Shengal Autonomous Democratic Council Co-chair Heso Ibrahim, Germany's Center for the Union of Yazidi Associations (NAV-YEK) Co-chair Haci Çelik, Yazidi opinion leader Şêx Loqman, Muslim opinion leader Şêx Mûrşid Xeznewî, Democratic Alevi Federation Co-chair Demir Çelik, Iraqi Syriac Union President Yusuf Yakub Matte, Horam Platform representative Zerdeşt Horamî, Alevi sage Melek Uğur Pîr Ana, Yarasan representative Sasan Mêhrabî, Kurdistan Islamic Society (CÎK) representative Mele Dawût, Alevi opinion leader Mehmet Yaman Pîr, European Feylî Faith Community representative Mehemed Norî.