Activists march in Cologne to protest Turkish state's invasion attacks

Activists held a march in Cologne to protest the Turkish state's invasion attacks against South Kurdistan.

The invasion attacks carried out by the Turkish state in South Kurdistan, and the KDP's cooperation with Turkey, were protested with a march in Cologne.

Med Confederation (KON-MED) co-chair Ruken Akça, FED-MED co-chair Şevin Sincar, as well as hundreds of Kurds attended the march that started in front of the Dom Cathedral.

The crowd carried banners saying "Stop Turkey's war on the Kurds" and "Bimre xiyanet" with pictures of Nechirvan Barzani and Turkish President Erdoğan. The march passed through the central streets of the city in the direction of the Dom Cathedral, Cologne City Museum and WDR Television. During the march, declarations in German were read.

KON-MED co-chair Ruken Akça said: "The Turkish state is burning and destroying our villages in South Kurdistan. The KDP remains a spectator and supports this. 162 of our villages have been evacuated so far. International forces made agreements with Turkish, Arab and Persian states in the 20th century and left the people of Kurdistan without status. Chemical weapons are used against the guerrillas in South Kurdistan, while Rojava is constantly being bombed and civilians are being massacred. Now, there is an invasion carried out by the Turkish state in South Kurdistan. However, neither the Iraqi government nor the international forces condemn it. But the people of Kurdistan are not as dispersed and unconscious as they were at the beginning of the 20th century. Those who dream of occupation and annexation will not achieve this."

The march ended at Rudolfplatz.