Al-Romania neighborhood of Raqqa cleared of ISIS
SDF forces have taken control of the al-Romania neighborhood of Raqqa following two days of heavy fighting with ISIS gangs.
SDF forces have taken control of the al-Romania neighborhood of Raqqa following two days of heavy fighting with ISIS gangs.
The operation to liberate Raqqa by YPG-led Syrian Democratic Forces continues at full force in its sixth day. SDF fighters first liberated the al-Mashlab neighborhood east of the city, and then the Sabahiyah neighborhood to the west. With the liberation of the al-Romania neighborhood today, SDF forces have taken control of the third neighborhood in ISIS stronghold Raqqa.
According to reports from the ground, the neighborhood of al-Romania was fully cleared of ISIS at 10:30 local time Sunday morning following intensified clashes continued since yesterday.
11 ISIS members were killed during the clashes, including a gang leader called Abu Xettab al-Tunisi, and bodies of 7 remained in SDF possession.
SDF fighters are conducting search and sweep efforts in the neighborhood.