Amed to rally on 20 June: no place for Erdogan here
There is no place for the AKP in this city, said the HDP candidates
There is no place for the AKP in this city, said the HDP candidates
The HDP in Amed will hold its final rally on 20 June at Station Square. The meeting will start at 6pm and will be attended by HDP co-chair Pervin Buldan, Democratic Society Congress (DTK) co-chair Berdan Öztürk, HDP Istanbul candidate and journalist Ahmet Şık and HDP Amed candidates.
The rally will also feature Mem Ararat and Koma Pel. HDP Amed candidates called on the people to join the rally. Garo Paylan said that they would greet HDP presidential candidate Selahattin Demirtaş from Edirne Prison.
“We will be such a large crowd that our voices will reach Edirne Prison”, said the HDP candidate, calling on the people of Amed to join the rally.
Dersim Dağ, a young candidate, called especially on young people and women to join the rally with their colours and joy. “Let’s fill Station Square with the enthusiasm of young people and women’s power”.
Another candidate, Mehmet Temizyüz, stated that they would be in Station Square to speak out and added: “We will join the rally demanding freedom for political prisoners, freedom for the Middle East peoples, and we will break the isolation regime imposed on Abdullah Ocalan”.
HDP candidate Adnan Selçuk Mızraklı said: “We have accumulated our anger, our patience, our virtues, and on 24 June we’ll speak out. But before that, on 20 June in Station Square we will all rally together for democracy, freedom, equal citizenship and peace”.
Kurds will show unity
HDP candidate Ferda Fahrioğlu Akın also remembers President Erdogan’s words said at his party’s rally in Diyarbakır (Amed), ’There is no Kurdish question’ and remarked: “On 24 June the people of Amed will go to the polls and say ‘In Amed there is no place neither for the AKP nor for Erdogan'. On 20 June - he added - where Erdogan said those words, we will have a big meeting. We will show the unity of the Kurds to the whole world”.