Amsterdam, Graz and St. Gallen marched for Rojava

Amsterdam, Graz and St. Gallen joined the protests against the Turkish occupation and in solidarity with Rojava.

Within the scope of the "action day" called by Defend Rojava and RiseUp4Rojava, Amsterdam, Graz and St. Gallen also joined the protests against the Turkish occupation and in solidarity with Rojava.


Kurds and their friends living in Amsterdam came together in the historic Dam Square and expressed their solidarity with Rojava.

Numerous Dutch citizens and civil society organisations supported the rally.

Representatives of r Afrîn Solidarity Campaing in their speeches condemned the Turkish occupation and crimes committed. They called for internationalist solidarity with Rojava.


A rally was held in Graz for the same purpose. During the rally in front of the main railway station, leaflets condemning the occupation and supporting Rojava were handed out.


Tevgera Ciwanên Şoreşger and internationalist young people organised a march in St.Gallen, Switzerland.

The walk started from Marktplatz square. Activists carrying banners writing in German "Solidarity with the Rojava resistance" and "Defend the Rojava revolution" walked through out the city chanting slogans.