Appeal from HDP former co-chair Demirtaş: Go to the polls
Selahattin Demirtaş told HDP voters: “You are to determine this election. Strategic votes will be an indicator of our strength. Go to the polls.”
Selahattin Demirtaş told HDP voters: “You are to determine this election. Strategic votes will be an indicator of our strength. Go to the polls.”
HDP former co-chair Selahattin Demirtaş, called on people to go to vote on Sunday. He published his call on his Twitter account.
I call for a strategic vote to the HDP on Sunday
Demirtaş said: “Hello everyone. I know that from time to time in the election process, you became very angry, rebelled, but now we are in a situation where these moods have to be overcome.
On Sunday polls will be opened. When you go to the polls, please, avoid shallow political discussions. Forget these and think of a better future. I urge all our voters to support the electoral strategy of our party, the HDP.
You will be determining the elections
You are the direct determinant of this election. There is a historical opportunity here to be taken, not just to retake the municipalities from the trustees. The strategic votes that we will use in the cities will be an indicator of our strength.
In places where our party does not have a candidate, you will vote strategically so to determine the results.
I appeal to all young friends, especially those casting their vote for the first time. Let's not think ‘what will my vote change’. Please go to the polls and cast your vote. I trust you.
Dear citizens, on the night of election day, maybe I will not be next to you but I will look at the same screen you will all be watching in prison cell in Edirne.
We will all be happy when we watch at the results coming up on that screen. Love and greetings.”