Appeal from international community to Iraqi president
The Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative calls for solidarity actions with the Iraqi protesters and their demands.
The Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative calls for solidarity actions with the Iraqi protesters and their demands.
The Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative has issued an urgent appeal from the international community to President Barham Salih and the Iraqi Authorities, to express solidarity with the Iraqi protesters and their demands.
Since 1 October 2019, said the statement, massive demonstrations have taken place across Iraq to protest government corruption, high unemployment, and inadequate government services. These overwhelmingly peaceful protests have been met with brutal repression by state and non-state forces, resulting in more than 430 deaths, more that 15,000 injuries, and countless abductions, disappearances and arbitrary arrests as of the beginning of December.
The appeal calls upon the Iraqi President Barham Salih and the authorities in Iraq to:
"Immediately fulfill their constitutional and international obligations to protect the freedom of assembly and the freedom of expression, by allowing protesters to peacefully gather without fear of violence, repression or arrest.
President Barham Salih should open direct discussions with the protesters to select an independent person to form a new, temporary government.
Ensure that all human rights defenders and the media are able to operate without restrictions, including judicial harassment. Fully respect the freedom of the press and ensure that there are no further attacks on journalists and media offices.
Respect and protect the right of all Iraqis to have access to the Internet and social media platforms.
Order the police and security forces to stop all use of excessive, including lethal force against the protesters.
Conduct independent, impartial, and thorough investigations of all instances of the use of excessive and lethal force—by both state and non-state actors. Publically disseminate the results of the investigations and bring those responsible to justice in accordance the highest standards of international law.
End the arbitrary arrest and detention of peaceful demonstrators and human rights defenders, some of whom were beaten. Immediately and unconditionally release all peaceful protesters who have been detained and provide medical treatment to all who need it.
Instruct Iraqi embassies around the world to grant visas to the undersigned and to other members of the international community to travel to Iraq and meet with representatives of the protesters, Iraqi civil society, and the government in order to engage in dialogue that can help build a better future for all Iraqis."