Audios confirm political persecution against Milagro Sala
Published audios confirm allegations of political and judicial persecution against indigenous leader Milagro Sala in Argentina.
Published audios confirm allegations of political and judicial persecution against indigenous leader Milagro Sala in Argentina.
Over the past weekend several audios were published confirming the repeated allegations that the convictions and the numerous trials to which the indigenous leader of the Tupac Amaru movement, Milagro Sala have been subjected, are part of a repeated political persecution and not criminal facts.
In the audios, the President of the Supreme Court of Justice of the province of Jujuy, Pablo Baca, affirms that Milagro Sala "is a problem for the government", in reference to the administration of Governor Gerardo Morales.
"Milagros is imprisoned because that court understands that if she were free, she would be a danger to the government". The clear reference is to the popular struggles led by the indigenous leader.
Before the scandal caused by the audios, the highest provincial magistrate, Pablo Baca requested a “leave” from his position, and declared to the press that he was not going to resign, because that would be “admitting” his guilt.
For his part, the Governor of the province, inducer of the long judicial persecution against Milagro Sala, said, during an interview on a radio program, that the indigenous leader is “a common criminal” and does not understand “why she is not in a common prison”, referring to the current situation of Salas who is serving her sentence under house arrest with a strong police surveillance and control measures, in response to her health situation.
The first reactions to the audios scandal have been immediate. The provincial legislative group of the government "Frente para Todos" (Front for All) has launched a political trial initiative, against Governor Gerardo Morales, who is part of the national opposition.
in addition, the Jujuy Bar Association issued a strong statement saying, among other things: "We cannot ignore that the express recognition of unethical, improper and illegal conduct confirm the fact that the political power and the judiciary have joined together" against Milagro Sala.
The Association of lawyers also considered that with the disclosure of the audios the conditions for a direct intervention in the province of the Federal Government are given, according to the Constitution.