Black wreaths left at Turkish consulates in Marseille and Munich
Protests were held in Marseille, France and Munich, Germany against the takeover of HDP municipalities by the Turkish regime.
Protests were held in Marseille, France and Munich, Germany against the takeover of HDP municipalities by the Turkish regime.
Members of the Marseille Alevi Cultural Center (AKM) held a press statement in front of the Turkish Consulate to protest the takeover of the municipalities.
AKM members gathered in front of the consulate at noon and chanted “Murderer Erdogan” and “Dictator Erdogan”.
In the press statement, the AKM members called for unity against the Erdogan regime. The activists left a black wreath by the consulate’s door and called for participation to the march to be held in the Canabiere Square on Saturday at 18:00.
Alevis in Munich protested the trustee occupation in front of the Turkish consulate.
Upon European Alevi Unions Confederation’s (AABK) call to leave black wreaths by Turkish consulates to protest the occupation, a demonstration was held by the Munich Turkish consulate.
The demonstration held by the Munich Alevi Association protested the AKP-MHP fascism and pointed to the importance of a joint struggle, giving a message that they will resist pressure.
The activists frequently chanted “Dictator Erdogan” and left a black wreath by the consulate.