Call for a no-fly zone over Shengal

Civil society and women's organisations from Iraq are calling on the Iraqi government and the United Nations to establish a no-fly zone for Turkey over Shengal.

In a joint appeal to the Iraqi government, the United Nations and international institutions, twenty women's and civil society organizations from Iraq condemn the Turkish air attack on Shengal (Sinjar) last Monday and call for a no-fly zone for Turkey over the Yazidis’ main settlement area in northern Iraq.

The statement points out that the continued air raids by the Turkish state on Shengal are causing deaths and injuries and that the population does not want a "repeat of 2014". Six years ago, 7,000 women and children were kidnapped, murdered or enslaved by the so-called "Islamic state" from Shengal. Until today, an unknown number of people are still in the hands of the ISIS.

The declaration also refers to the Turkish occupation regime's actions against Yazidis in northeastern Syria: "The army of the Turkish state repeatedly attacks Yazidi villages, murders the inhabitants, burns grain fields or kidnaps young women in order to sell them in the end. The Turkish state is therefore no different from the ISIS."

There is great fear among the population that the targeted genocide will be repeated. That is also the reason why many people from Shengal do not dare to return to their own land.

The organizations from Iraq demand above all from the government in Baghdad to stop the bombing of Iraqi territory by the Turkish air force. The central demand in the declaration is the establishment of a no-fly zone.

The declaration ends with an appeal to the international community: the Turkish state must be stopped, the international community must work to ensure that no further genocide of the Yazidi people takes place. What was done to the Yazidi people by the Turkish occupation troops in Afrin must not be repeated now in Shengal.

The following organizations have co-authored and signed the declaration:

Piştgiriya Jinên Êzidî, Yekîtiya Jinên Kemîne a li Iraqê, Heval a Giringîdayina Civakê, Navenda Avadaniyê a ji bo Rawestandina şîddeta li dijî Jinan, Tevnên Jinan a Iraqê, Jinên Erebî û Iraqî, Hewras, Sinabil ya Ayinde Însiyatîfa Mirovî a Şengalê, Navenda Rewşenbîrî a Şengalê, Pira Ciwanan, Rêxistina TRT a ji bo perwerdekirin û Zanistê, Sunrise, Nabû, Cîlan, Êzidiyên Sotîq, Êzidxana Xêrxwazî, Kêmendamên Êzidî, Jinên Iraqê, Darîn.