Campaign to delist the PKK continues in Frankfurt
Activists of the Kurdish Community Center in Frankfurt informed about the situation in Kurdistan at the Hauptwache and collected signatures for the delisting of the PKK from the "terror list".
Activists of the Kurdish Community Center in Frankfurt informed about the situation in Kurdistan at the Hauptwache and collected signatures for the delisting of the PKK from the "terror list".
In Frankfurt am Main, signatures are being collected for the international campaign to remove the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) from the list of terrorist organizations. Every Saturday, activists from the Kurdish Community Center set up a stand at various locations in the city, where signature lists are displayed and information materials are offered. The campaign for the delisting of the Kurdish liberation movement was launched last November by the international initiative "Justice for Kurds" and is directed at the Council of the European Union. The goal is four million signatures for the removal of the PKK from the "terror list." The campaign petition can also be signed online.
At Saturday’s demo Hauptwache in Frankfurt, activists provided information about the war in Kurdistan and the indifference in Europe. Turkey has been leading an invasion of Southern Kurdistan (Northern Iraq) since mid-April and has announced the occupation of further areas in Rojava (Northern Syria). The Kurdish activists discussed with interested people the hypocrisy of the Turkish argumentation of "security concerns" and "fight against terrorism" and explained the goals of the Kurdish liberation movement. It was emphasized that the classification of the PKK as terrorist blocks a peaceful solution to the Kurdish question.