Civil disobedience action for Öcalan at Marseille Airport
Protests continue all around the world demanding an immediate end to the isolation regime executed against Abdullah Öcalan.
Protests continue all around the world demanding an immediate end to the isolation regime executed against Abdullah Öcalan.
Kurdish People’s Leader Abdullah Ocalan, who is held in the Imralı High Security Prison Type F since 1999, hasn’t been allowed to meet with his lawyers since July 27, 2011 and with his family since September 11, 2016.
Since July 21, 2016, the Bursa Executive Court No.1 has cited the State of Emergency declared in the country to completely cut off all exercise of his fundamental rights.
Any and all means of communication including letters, fax messages or telephone calls have been banned indefinitely and without exception.
DTK (Democratic Society congress) co-chair and HDP (Peoples’ Democratic Party) MP Leyla Guven announced during a hearing on November 7 that she was going on an indefinite hunger strike calling for an immediate end to the isolation regime imposed on Ocalan.
The hunger strike action spread inside and outside prisons with the participation of more people all around the world with the motto “Leyla Guven’s demand is our demand”.
As part of ongoing protests, Kurdish youth organized an action of civil disobedience in Marseille Airport to draw attention to the hunger strikes underway demanding the end of the isolation imposed on Kurdish People's Leader Abdullah Öcalan.
In the speeches made during the action, young Kurds called on all patriotic, democratic people to insist on resistance to crash fascism.