Colombia lifts the suspension of air strikes against FARC-EP
The Colombian government has announced lifting of the suspension of its bombing campaign against militants of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia's People Army (FARC-EP).
The Colombian government has announced lifting of the suspension of its bombing campaign against militants of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia's People Army (FARC-EP).
The Colombian government has announced lifting of the suspension of its bombing campaign against militants of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia's People Army (FARC-EP).
The suspension of truce by the government of President Juan Manuel Santos came following a recent offensive by government troops against FARC-EP units in unilateral truce.
As a result of the military siege of the army, the FARC’s legitimate reaction resulted in the death of 10 soldiers and injured 18 in the municipality of Buenos Aires, Cauca.
More than 220,000 people are estimated to have died in five decades of conflict between FARC and the Colombian government which have been holding peace talks since 2012.
The Agenda of Peace Talks in Havana consisted of a preamble, in which the two parts established criteria according to which the discussions should be held: “The construction of peace is an issue concerning society as a whole that requires the participation of everybody, the respect for human rights is a goal of the State's that should be promoted; economic development with social justice and in harmony with the environment is a guarantee of peace and progress; social development with equality and well-being for all, including the great majorities - all of these would allow us to grow as a country, a Colombia in peace that would play an active and sovereign role in regional and global peace and development, and the amplification of democracy as a condition to achieve solid bases for peace”.
The Agreement listed six issues that should be addressed in order to move the the peace talks forward. These are: 1) An integral agricultural development policy 2) political participation 3) an end to the fighting 4) a solution to the problem of illicit drugs 5) victims and 6) Implementation, verification and ratification.
The FARC-EP declared a cease of fire and hostilities for an indefinite period in mid December last year. Comandante Iván Márquez specified that the ceasefire would be ended "only if it is found that our guerrilla structures have been attacked by the public force".
In a statement published on its website yesterday, the FARC-EP remarked that the events occurred in the context of intense counter-guerrilla operations on the ground that are increasing ever since the start of the ceasefire.
"We remain convinced that while developing peace talks, it is absurd to continue sacrificing lives on both sides. We regret the loss of lives caused by the conflict, causing the mourning of Colombian families. It is increasingly clear that it is urgent to reach the signing of a bilateral cease-fire, which will create a better environment to advance towards the signing of a final agreement", said the Peace Delegation of the FARC-EP.
The statement pointed out that the FARC-EP are not commanding any military operations, and that all members of their Peace Delegation are working on the progress of the talks.
We believe both parties must proceed to lower the tension in the whole country and in the Cauca region in particula, FARC-EP said, requesting the immediate launching of mechanisms of verification and distension of the situation of military confrontation in the area where these unfortunate events have occurred.