Danish court's ruling against Kurdish media draws strong reactions

Danish court's ruling against Kurdish media draws strong reactions

Peace and Democracy Party (BDP), Democratic Society Congress (DTK), Labor Party (EMEP), Confederation of Kurdish Associations in Europe (KON-KURD) and the Federation of Kurdish Associations in France (FEYKA) have released written statements strongly condemning the verdict of the Copenhagen Municipal Court which revoked the license of all satellite channels of Mesopotamia Broadcasting, including MMC, NUCE TV and ROJ TV, and imposed pecuniary penalty of five million DKR.

BDP headquarters commented the Danish court's verdict as a scandalous unlawful decision that trampled on the European Union law and would pass into history of democracy as a black mark. BDP urged the Danish government to revoke the unlawful verdict and to respect the values of the Kurdish people.

The party pointed out that the ruling was a consequence of the efforts and pressures of the Turkish state, and said the verdict was a major blow against the freedom of the press and the people's freedom of information. BDP said the Kurdish channels in question were free Kurdish press' representative in diaspora.

The party remarked that the verdict was a kind of follow-up of the policies that ignored the language, identity, culture and freedom struggle of the Kurdish people and lacked in respect to their values. "The ruling is an attack against the principle of broadcast in mother tongue. It goes against the democracy criteria of the Danish country which hosts the Copenhagen criteria", it said.

BDP said they would display their diplomatic and democratic reaction against the ruling without ever ending their support to the freedom struggle of the Kurdish media.

Also strongly responding to the decision of the Danish court, DTK evaluated the verdict as a disrespectful decision against the identity, culture and presence of the Kurdish people, as what was seen in the case of MED TV and MEDYA TV in the past.

DTK said the anti-Kurd policies of the Turkish state obviously had an influence on the decision the court has made, adding; "However, this decision bases on the sided point of view of European countries towards the Kurdish question. This point of view serves for the failure of the efforts for a solution to the Kurdish issue, as well as revealing to what extend the concepts of democracy and human rights are perceived non-objectively. The EU and international institutions should take steps of goodwill to enable a positive development in this process”.

DTK called attention to the timing of the ruling and urged the Danish justice to revoke the verdict. It also called on all Kurdish people, those living in Europe in particular, to protect the Kurdish free press tradition which -it underlined- will never be suppressed by means of such unlawful practices.

Labor Party (EMEP) also evaluated the ruling as a blow against democracy and an evidence of the extend to which the politicization of the European judiciary has reached. EMEP said the court's decision was an attempt to prevent the peace process and to reduce the Kurdish fight for peace and democracy to silence.

KON-KURD also reacted to the Danish court's decision which it commented as a blow against the freedom of press and expression that the Danish constitution also lays stress on. It said the ruling, scandalous in terms of laws, freedom and human rights, has targeted the national presence of the Kurdish people. KON-KURD remarked that the decision is a manifestation of western powers' and governments' insistence on the deadlock policy concerning the Kurdish question. KON-KURD reminded that the decision has been made at a time that witnessed efforts for a peaceful and democratic solution to the Kurdish question in northern Kurdistan, and Kurdish people's victorious developments in southern and western Kurdistan.

Pointing out that the Kurdish people will continue to protect their national, social, political and cultural identity stronger than ever, KON-KURD called on the federations and unions affiliated to it, as well as the Kurdish people living in Europe, to display their democratic and fair reaction against the court decision. It also called on all powers that side with freedom, justice and peace to display solidarity with the Kurdish people and their struggle.

KON-KURD ended its statement by urging European governments and institutions to end their repression and attacks against the Kurdish people and to provide contribution to the advancement of the democratic solution process instead of posing an obstacle to it.

FEYKA President Mehmet Ülker also strongly condemned the court decision and pointed out that the Federation would display its democratic reaction against the ruling.

Ülker remarked that the repression of Kurds in Denmark has remarkably increased since 2009 when Danish politician Anders Fogh Rasmussen took over as NATO's Secretary-General. He added that it was hard to understand why the decision has been made while the negotiations between the Turkish state and the Kurdish freedom movement are continuing.