Demirtaş: “Mr. Öcalan didn’t bow down, and neither did we”
Selahattin Demirtaş sent a message on the distortion of some of his comments during the hearing.
Selahattin Demirtaş sent a message on the distortion of some of his comments during the hearing.
Current political hostage and former HDP Co-chair Selahattin Demirtaş sent a message to the public after a meeting with his lawyers in the Edirne Prison.
Demirtaş's message is as follows:
“I have been informed that some of my comments during the hearing in Ankara of the case I am on remand for have been distorted by some publications, and wrongfully phrased in others. To state once more for clarification:
Mr. Öcalan has never been in a relationship with me or my party that could be understood as giving instructions. But the government has attempted to present to us some analyses by Mr. Öcalan as if they were instructions. But the fact is they have not managed to get any instructions out of Mr. Öcalan to give us, and they have not managed to make us accept any impositions. They have, on the other hand, attempted to turn the Imrali Solution Process into a tool for pressure and blackmail. Mr. Öcalan has not bowed down to these pressures, and neither have we.
The reason I am giving this explanation is not to create a speculative talking point, but to respond to allegations put forth about me for the case I am on trial for.
Everything I have said in the hearing is 100% true. I believe these should be known so the insincerity of the government towards the solution processes is understood.
I respectfully present this to the public.”