Demirtaş: Victory of people for freedom, democracy and peace

In his election statement, Demirtaş stated that there is no longer a need for the light bulb, and HDP’s sun is enough for 81 cities across Turkey.

In his statement on election results, Demirtaş said that the debates on presidency system and dictatorship are over. In reference to AKP rule, Demirtaş said that there is no longer a need for the light bulb, and HDP’s sun is enough for 81 cities across Turkey. Demirtaş acknowledged the labor of millions of people that made this victory possible, and said that it was not a “higher mind” but their collective mind and conscience that brought this success.

Here are some headlines from Demirtaş’s speech:

“We came to the end of an unfair pre-election campaign period and this election did not take place in a free and democratic environment. Despite the state resources and power behind AKP, we have united impoverished and oppressed people under the banner of labor, peace, justice, and freedom. We have won a significant victory and we congratulate all of Turkey for this success.


This election was the victory of people who are for freedom, democracy, and peace, and the defeat of those who favor authoritarianism, arrogance, and totalitarianism. This election is the victory of all oppressed ethnic identities and religions such as Alevis, Sunnis, Christians and Jews in Turkey. This victory belongs to workers, unemployed people, villagers, farmers and all others whose labor is exploited. This election is the victory of everyone who wants a democratic, pluralist and civilian constitution favoring peace and freedom. Foremost, this victory belongs to women and everyone else who want to live honorably in this country.

We are behind everything we said during our election campaign, HDP is truly a party for all Turkey. Turkey is HDP and HDP is Turkey, we deserve to be proud for this victory.


AKP’s arrogant attitude, decision to ignore the Kurdish issue and attempt to end the negotiations caused an AKP collapse in Eastern Turkey. We will not shame anyone who decided to vote for us in this election.

Debates on presidency system and dictatorship are now over in Turkey. This significant success is the result of millions of people’s labor. It was not a “higher mind” but our collective mind and conscience that made this success possible. HDP has never been and will never be involved in a project that will hurt the peoples of Turkey. We thank all the parties that constitute or support HDP. We also offer our condolences to the families of all our friends who lost their lives due to provocations during the election campaign period. Our friends who lost their body parts during the Amed massacre deserve this victory the most. We dedicate our victory to Kurdish mothers whose hearts remain broken and wounded. Hundreds of our friends have been injured or arrested recently, we thank every single one of them.

We thank dear Abdullah Öcalan for this success, his contribution to this victory is indispensable.

Free press journalists are the architects of this campaign, we thank our social media team. We also thank our volunteer election observers for their vigilance at voting booths.

This is not our success, this is the victory of all peoples in the Middle East. We believe that this victory will change balances in the Middle East, HDP will be marching for governance in future elections. HDP resistance is also the resistance against ISIS barbarism in the region. There is no longer a need for the light bulb, we have proved that HDP’s sun is enough for 81 cities across Turkey."