Demonstrations for Kurdish national unity in several cities

The importance of Kurdish national unity was emphasized in demonstrations against Turkey's attacks on Kurdistan in numerous cities and countries.

Rallies and demonstrations against the anti-Kurdish extermination campaign of Turkey have taken place in numerous cities on Saturday. During the actions the Turkish invasion of Northern Syria was protested and Kurdish unity was promoted. People stressed that in view of the massive attacks of the Turkish state, a national unity of the Kurdish people is absolutely necessary in order to counter an annihilation.


People from all four parts of Kurdistan took part in a demonstration in Melbourne, Australia. At the rally, all political parties in Kurdistan were called upon to form a unity against Turkish aggression, regardless of their position and ideology.


In Marseille citY of France, people called for the establishment of Kurdish national unity, protested against the inaction of the international community in the face of the war crimes of the Turkish state and called for a boycott of Turkey.


The French city of Bordeaux was also scene of a demonstration calling for Kurdish national unity and protesting against Turkish massacres and genocidal attacks against the peoples of North and East Syria. Demonstrators called for the attacks to be responded in spirit of national unity.


A demonstration was held in German capital city Berlin calling for the creation of Kurdish national unity.

The march from Hermanplatz to Kottbuser Tor Square was held under the motto “Build national unity and expel the colonialists from Kurdistan” and joined by representatives of Kurdish institutions from four parts of Kurdistan and friends of the Kurdish people.

Speakers said that those abstaining from national unity will never be forgotten by the Kurdish people.


Kurds and their friends joined a demonstration in Hamburg to demand the establishment of national unity.

German Left Party MP Martin Dolzer who also joined the march defined the attacks that target civilians in Rojava as crimes against humanity.


Kurds rallied in the Hague city of the Netherlands to highlight the importance of Kurdish national unity and called for concrete steps to be taken to this end.


Kurdish parties and institutions in Switzerland organised a demonstration in the Zurich city under the motto “Build national unity to tear down invasion”. Demonstrators emphasised the importance of Kurdish national unity to counter the Turkish state’s invasion and genocidal attacks in North and East Syria ongoing since October 9.

Hundreds of Kurdish people and their friends staged a march at Helvetiaplatz Square behind a banner that read “Turkey massacres civilians with chemical weapons in Rojava”.

During the course of the march, activists from the Rojava Solidarity Platform read notices in German and protested the arms sales and trade agreements of Switzerland and European states with the Turkish state.

Speeches were held in the name of CDK Swirzerland, Democratic Forces Union of Switzerland, Assyrian-Syriac Union, Kurdistan Communist Party as well as intellectuals and artists from Kurdistan.


Answering the call of the Democratic Kurdish Community Centre, Kurds took to the streets in the French city of Strasbourg and called for concrete steps to be taken for the establishment of national unity.


Hundreds of Kurdish people rallied in the German city of Dusseldorf calling for national unity.

Speakers criticised the silence of the international community on the massacre of the Kurdish people by the Turkish state and called for the formation of a joint front and unity to counter the massacres.


A number of German citizens joined the Kurds as they demonstrated for Kurdish national unity and against the massacres perpetrated by the Turkish state against the Kurdish people in various parts of Kurdistan.