Demonstrations for the freedom of Öcalan grow in Europe
The demonstrations and activities launched in Europe for the freedom of Kurdish people's leader Abdullah Öcalan continue.
The demonstrations and activities launched in Europe for the freedom of Kurdish people's leader Abdullah Öcalan continue.
The demonstrations and activities launched in Europe for the freedom of Kurdish people's leader Abdullah Öcalan continue.
The "Freedom for Öcalan" vigil in France's city of Strasbourg has been taken over by members of the European Kurdish Democratic Societies Congress (KCDK-E) and Ciwanen Azad (Free Youth). Also singer Eylem Aktas and many young people participated in the vigil which has already entered its fifth year. The activists will also take part in the rally on the 26th of July.
Eyüp Soreş, one of the Ciwanen Azad youth members joining the vigil, said: "As Kurdish youth movement we will always be in action for the freedom of our leader that is our first and foremost priority. The youth should rise up and play their leading role like they always did, and take part in the rally on the 26th of July. They should stand up for their leader, their people and their homeland."
Soreş called upon the youth of Kurdistan and their European friends to stand up in the context of the campaign "Set free" for the Kurdish people's leader Abdullah Öcalan.
Kurdish people living in the German city of Duisburg have pitched an information tent on one of the city's busiest locations, the Konigstrasse, to put the isolation exerted on Öcalan on the agenda. During this activity hundreds of fliers have been distributed.
Co-chair of the Kurdish Democratic Society Centre (NAV-DEM) in Duisburg Şahin Çelebi spoke to ANF about the activity, saying that their action will go on for five days. Çelebi stated that they demand the freedom of Öcalan and condemn the AKP-Palace regime of Erdoğan. Çelebi pointed out that Öcalan is able to lead the whole Middle East and said: "We will stand up for our leader. Leader Apo continues the struggle for all the peoples around the world based on his freedom mentality and new paradigm.”
Çelebi called upon all Kurdish patriots and their friends to support their campaign.
The activity agenda is as follows:
The first day: Duisburg, Konigstrasse from 17:00 to 22:00 o'clock
The second day: Keleve
The third day: Duisburg, Konigstrasse
The fourth day: Wesel
The fifth day: Konigstrasse from 15:00 to 20:00 o'clock
Also in Germany's capital city Berlin information tents have been pitched on the initiative of the NAV-DEM. The activity took place at Kudamm, one of Berlin's main centres, and will end on the 24th of July with a march. Co-chair of NAV-DEM in Berlin-Brandenburg Yeko Ardil called on all Kurds living in the city to join the demonstration.
A same activity was launched in Munchen by the Democratic Kurdish Society's Council two days ago.
To draw attention to the severe isolation coerced on Kurdish people's leader Abdullah Öcalan an information stand was set up, where fliers are distributed and signatures collected. The Council's statement says: "For the immediate removal of the isolation we will flock to the streets everyday. We call upon the friends of Kurdistan's people to gather at the Sendlingerstrasse and take part in the activity"
The activity will continue until Sunday.
In French capital city Paris the activity to focus the attention on the absolute isolation imposed on Kurdish people's leader Abdullah Öcalan continued in its third day.
Members of the Democratic Kurdish Society Centre Council of the cities Evry and Creil have set up at the Chatelet les Halles Palais in Paris information desks to inform of the total isolation Abdullah Öcalan is kept in.
Banners reading "Freedom for Öcalan" have been hung up and hundreds of fliers have been distributed.
Members of the Council called for a strong participation in demonstrations for Öcalan's freedom, saying: "We will demonstrate on the streets everyday, and for the freedom of Öcalan and Kurdistan we will continue our actions nonstop."
People from kurdistan living in England's capital city London and surroundings have pitched information tents demonstrating for the freedom of Öcalan.
The activity that is taking place at London's Trafalgar Square will continue until Saturday, the 24th of July. The protesters, who are carrying posters with the inscription "Freedom for Öcalan", have also handed out many fliers concerning the isolation on Öcalan.
Also in The Hague city of the Netherlands activities have been carried out, where aside from the distribution of infomative leaflets speeches were delivered regarding the aggravated isolation of the Kurdish leader.