DIAY-DER supports Democratic Islamic Conference
DIAY-DER supports Democratic Islamic Conference
DIAY-DER supports Democratic Islamic Conference
Religious Scholars' Solidarity Association (DİAY-DER) held a press conference in relation to Kurdish leader Abdullah Öcalan's recent call for the gathering of a "Democratic Islamic Conference" in the main Kurdish city Diyarbakır/Amed. Öcalan said the conference would be a response to the circles betraying Islam such as al-Qaeda and al-Nusra.
Speaking here on behalf of the Association, DİAY-DER executive Melle Rıza Uğur said that their association supported Öcalan's call and was ready to do its share for the gathering of the conference.
Uğur said that this conference was important in terms of making clear the answers of questions what real Islam is, what jihad in Islam is and how it should be performed.
Uğur also reacted to the wall being built between Mardin's Nusaybin district and the Qamişlo city in West Kurdistan, and underlined that the wall made no contribution to peace and humanity.