Emergency Committee for Rojava holds meeting on situation in the region today

The Emergency Committee for Rojava will meet today to present its report from Northern and Eastern Syria.

The Emergency Committee for Rojava invited everyone to attend its Report-Back from Rojava today as part of its monthly meetings.

 The meeting will be at 6.30pm EST, both in person (in New York) and online.

Several activists, writers and researchers who have recently traveled to Northern and Eastern Syria will share updates and observations from the region.

Arthur Pye is a writer and community organizer based in the Pacific Northwest. He is a member of the Emergency Committee for Rojava, and recently spent one year living and conducting research in North and East Syria.

Clara spent two years living in Rojava, working first with the Rojava Information Center and then spending time with the women’s movement, including seven months with Mala Jin (Kurdish for Women’s House), the women’s restorative justice system. She has just returned from Syria in the past few months and is excited to be in dialogue with people interested in the work happening there.

Anya Briy is a member of the Emergency Committee for Rojava, based in New York. Her writing on Rojava has appeared in Jacobin, The Nation, Truthout and other outlets. She just returned from a 3 month-long stay in the region.

For those who cannot attend in person, here is the Zoom link.