Employment agency in Hakkari hires AKP supporters
IŞKUR, the employment agency, is constantly on the agenda because of allegations of favoritism to AKP supporters. Indeed in Hakkari once again it hired people close to the AKP.
IŞKUR, the employment agency, is constantly on the agenda because of allegations of favoritism to AKP supporters. Indeed in Hakkari once again it hired people close to the AKP.
Unemployment has increased to 85 percent in Hakkari and its province. In addition to the great economic crisis, the epidemic in the country has meant that the people of Hakkari have become even poorer.
The majority of Hakkari's population consists of young people. Most of them are unemployed. Young people who cannot find job opportunities in Hakkari have to migrate to other cities, especially Van, to work.
Every year, dozens of people are employed in institutions under IŞKUR in Hakkari. The fact that all of the people who were recruited by IŞKUR were found to have linked with the AKP caused reaction among the unemployed population. People hired in August each year are recruited as a result of a draw, but the people of Hakkari said that in fact the draw was a formality, as only people close to the AKP were hired.
Cüneyt T., who is 28 years old, said that he has been unemployed for years and added that although he applied to IŞKUR every year, he was not hired.
Expressing that the same scenario is repeated every year, Cüneyt T. said: "Although there are so many unemployed in this country, the people who are recruited by IŞKUR are the same every year. Those who are hired are usually either AKP members. Although they work in other jobs, they are also called by IŞKUR. In other words, they get double salary. There is no job for the people.”