Erdoğan sells out IHH and Mavi Marmara too

Turkish President Erdoğan, following his deal with Israel, has now sold out Mavi Marmara and the IHH (Humanitarian Relief Foundation). The charity that transported arms to ISIS and Al Nusra gangs in Syria, is in the cross hairs now.

Turkish President Erdoğan, following his deal with Israel, has targeted IHH, the organizers of Mavi Marmara, saying “Did they ask me before they went?”. In his speech 2 years ago, he had said “I gave the permission”.

The first results of the strategic alliance AKP regime has formed with the Israeli state are coming to light. The first new enemy is the people on Mavi Marmara boat and the organisers from the IHH.

The AKP regime promised Israel that the lawsuits filed by the people who lost their loved ones in the ship Mavi Marmara will be dismissed. But the families and IHH opposed this promise.

Erdoğan said “Did you ask me before you went?” in the face of the reaction saying the people would not renounce the lawsuits.

In his speech yesterday, Erdoğan said “Did you ask the prime minister of the time when you decided to take this kind of a humanitarian aid from Turkey?” to the people transporting humanitarian aid to Gaza with the Mavi Marmara ship.

On July 17, 2014, Erdoğan had accused people who defended that the Mavi Marmara shouldn’t have taken that journey of being in cohorts with Israel, sayingthat he had given the permission.


No answer has been given to Erdoğan’s latest statement yet. But IHH is now in AKP’s target list, in the cross hairs. It has been documented numerous times that the IHH transports weapons and people to ISIS and Al-Nusra gangs attacking Kurds in Syria.