ESP: AKP investing in war instead of people's safety

The ESP issued a statement on the Elazığ earthquake underlining that the AKP transferred the budget to war and capital instead of investing in safety measures. The ESP called for solidarity with the affected population.

The Socialist Party of the Oppressed (ESP) issued a written statement today regarding the earthquake in Elazığ.

In the statement the ESP said: "While our territory, which is an earthquake zone, is on active fault lines and eartrhquakes unfortunately have been experienced many times before, the Palace Regime is not transferring material resources to preserve the safety of the oppressed, preferring instead to use money for and war. Instead of promoting a policy based on human and nature, urbanization and a policy based on profit and exploitation is being followed. Lands established as meeting areas in case of earthquake were looted and allocated to the AKP supporters."

The statement added: "We have not forgotten the rejection by the AKP-MHP fascist bloc of a proposal of research on earthquakes made two months ago in parliament. The poor who lost their houses after the Van earthquake are still on the street, deprived of the right to a house."

Call for solidarity

The ESP said: "We are calling on people to show their solidarity with the victims of the earthquake. Let's join the search and rescue efforts. Let's open our homes to our people who have lost their houses."