Eyewitness: Korkmaz was killed by policemen

Eyewitness: Korkmaz was killed by policemen

An eyewitness said that nineteen years old Ali İsmail Korkmaz, who was killed during Gezi protests in Eskişehir, was brutally beaten by four plainclothes policemen and three police officers.

According to the report by Radikal daily, the eyewitness who watched the attack on Korkmaz from the balcony of his house told that Kokmaz said "Do not hit, I am dying" as a group of people attacked and brutally beat him on the street. The witness said the baker just stood there and watched the attack on Korkmaz without intervening. According to the witness, four plainclothes policemen and three police officers started to beat Korkmaz with batons, accompanied by a civilian who also beat him with an oak wood. "This civilian said police that they could do away with al demonstrators if police supported them", the witness said and remarked that this group, policemen and the civilian, were also hitting and beating the people passing there by. The witness quoted the civilian as saying that "I have detained 34 of them (protestors) today and I swear that I will take two more, for I am 36 years old and I will detain 36 of them".

The first eyewitness who testified at prosecution office about Korkmaz's death had also said that the boy had been beaten by a group of civilians and plainclothes policemen using batons and sticks.

The policemen involved in the incident have been subjected to no legal process and the 33 year-old assailant using stick was released after bearing testimony to the prosecutor yesterday.

Justice still remains undone for martyrs of Gezi protests with no police officers having been tried nor punished for killing and injuring people since Gezi protests began and spread across the country early June.

Police killed

Ali İsmail Korkmaz, 19, in Eskişehir on July 10

Mehmet Ayvalıtaş, 20, in Istanbul on June 2

Abdullah Cömert, 22, in Hatay on June 3

Ethem Sarısülük, 26, in Ankara on June 1

İrfan Tuna (47) who was working on the night shift at a private teaching institution in Ankara's central Kızılay Square died of heart attack on 5 June after he was subjected to intense tear gas police used in the Square during the week.

Police continue its terror against Gezi protestors not only by using excessive force during demonstrations but also carrying out house raids at dawn and taking dozens into custody.