Families say they want justice for Ebrar Site where 1,400 people died in 6 February earthquake

Families seeking justice for the Ebrar Site, where 1,400 people lost their lives in the 6 February earthquake, said that they don’t want “a museum to be built on top of our pain."

A press conference was held at the site where Ebrar Site was located. Some 1,400 people lost their lives in that site when the Maraş earthquake stroke Kurdistan, Turkey and Syria on 6 February. Representatives of political parties and many democratic organizations attended the press conference promoted by the Ebrar Site Families. The families carried the photos of those killed and said: "You cannot build a museum on our pain. We want justice, not a museum."

'We will be here every month'

Families reacted to the plan to turn the area into a museum and said: "This was an eggplant and lettuce garden. Why was it opened to development and multi-storey buildings were built? The contractor who built this place, Tevfik Tepebaşı, is still alive and has not been arrested."

The families, who demand that the people who gave the planning permission be prosecuted, said that they will come together every month and make a statement until those responsible are held accountable.

The report prepared by AFAD for Maraş in 2020, drew attention to the ground liquefaction in the region where the Ebrar Site, consisting of 22 blocks, is located and stated that the buildings would collapse in the event of an earthquake because they were too weak. In the earthquake that occurred 3 years after the report, on 6 February 2023, many apartment buildings in the Ebrar Site collapsed and nearly 1,400 citizens lost their lives.

In the expert report examining the cause of the collapse of the blocks in Ebrar Site, no critical findings were made due to the rapid removal of the debris. The report stated that it was not possible to determine whether the columns and carrier systems were cut.