FED-DEM holds its 5th ordinary congress in Bremen

FED-DEM held its 5th ordinary congress in Bremen.

The Federation of Civaka Demokrat a Kurdistanian li Bakure Elmanya (FED-DEM), active in the states of Niedersachsen, Hamburg and Bremen in Germany, held its 5th ordinary congress at the Bremen Djemevi.

The congress opened with a minute’s silence for the martyrs of the revolution, then delegates debated and evaluated the current political process, the situation of the organization, and underlined the need for a criticism and self-criticism mechanism. The congress ended with the election of the new administration by the delegates and the plans for the future.

Kurdish woman activist Zeynep Delal Bafê evaluated the events that happened in 2022 in Kurdistan, Turkey and the Middle East. Bafê said: “Our freedom movement in 2022 occupied an important place and made history. We are entering a new century in the history of Kurdistan. In the past century, Kurdistan has been occupied by four states. This year, however, we have passed through an important election process. In fact, we entered the election asking to bring to account a century of anti-Kurdish policies.”

Bafê talked about the shortcomings in the election process and said: “There were shortcomings in the selection of candidates. We carried out election work in Europe but we didn’t manage to overcome a lack of motivation and organization."

Sebahat Ergin and İhsan Altındağ were elected as FED-DEM co-chairs.