Radio France Inter featured the Grey Wolves, the Turkish state's paramilitary crime organization, under the title of "a mob under influence".
France Inter said that the Gray Wolves threatened the Armenian community through attacks in the Décines suburb of Lyon and the Dijon and Isere regions in July and October 2020.
The feature on the website of the Radio includes the following:
"These fascist militias are well known in Turkey. For more than 50 years they harassed, menaced and killed Kurds, Armenians, Alevis, homosexuals, Jews, Christians. But on French soil, Grey Wolves had been known a little before last year. And they became more visible precisely at the time when diplomatic relations between France and Turkey seriously deteriorated. Indeed, since Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan ruled his country with the far-right, they have become an instrument at his service to propagate his new Islamist nationalism and to silence his opponents in Turkey and in Europe.
However, in reality, this tiny group represents only part of the influence of Erdoğan's Turkey on France. Beyond the Grey Wolves, Ankara is establishing increasingly powerful political and religious relays throughout Europe. The goal is to establish Erdoğan's popularity not only in the Turkish diaspora, but also throughout the Muslim world."