German Foreign Ministry: Öcalan’s statement a historic opportunity

The German Foreign Ministry called Abdullah Öcalan’s statement a historic opportunity.

Öcalan’s call for peace and democracy is gaining international support.

The German Foreign Ministry issued a written statement in support of Öcalan’s call. The ministry stated: "We welcome Abdullah Öcalan’s call today for the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) and its affiliated groups to lay down their arms and disband."

A historic opportunity to break the cycle of violence

The statement described the call as "a historic opportunity to break the cycle of terror, violence, and retribution that has lasted for decades and taken the lives of tens of thousands."

Kurdish rights must be guaranteed

The statement emphasized that the call is only a first step and highlighted the role of the Turkish parliament, stating: "Ending the violence is an important first step, but further steps must be taken toward a sustainable solution for the people of Turkey. These steps must, above all, include respect for and guarantees of the cultural and political rights of Kurds in Turkey. The Turkish parliament plays a central role in shaping this political process and enacting the agreed-upon solutions into law."

We are ready to do whatever we can

The statement further emphasized: "As the German government, we are ready to do everything in our power to support this process."