Guerrillas: Vote for HDP for a free and democratic life

Guerrillas have called for a vote for the HDP at the 7 June elections. Support is growing for the HDP as the elections draw closer.

Guerrillas have called for a vote for the HDP at the 7 June elections. Support is growing for the HDP as the elections draw closer.

‘Amed is a city of resistance’ 

YJA-STAR guerrilla Hevi Amed said that the HDP was an all-Turkey party, representing all oppressed peoples. She added that Amed (Diyarbakir) in particular must play a significant role as with its history Amed was a city of resistance and the capital city. She continued, saying that women must support the HDP at the elections, as it is the only party in which women can express themselves as women. She invited women from other parties to join the women working in the HDP.

‘HDP is a party of freedom’

HPG guerrilla Laşer Sidar said the HDP was the only true party of freedom and that it represented all segments of society. He added that every vote for the party would strengthen the peace process. “I therefore call on everyone to cast their vote for the HDP,” he added.

‘This year’s elections are a matter of humanity’

KCK Health Committee member Necip Özalp drew attention to the fact that the elections of 7 June would either bring peace or death and tears.  He emphasised that this was a crucial election and that he believed the people of Van would teach the AKP and Erdoğan a lesson. Özalp said: “If the HDP exceeds the threshold, Erdoğan and his crew will be unable to design Kurdistan as they wish. As the AKP Government and Erdoğan are in a panic they are attacking the HDP. Our people must analyse these policies and support the HDP. They must not permit irregularities on the day of the election. This year’s election is a matter of humanity.”