HDP Law and Human Rights Commission Spokesperson and Batman Deputy Ayşe Acar Başaran said in a written statement: "Kurdish writer and politician Mahmut Alıak was detained as a result of a political operation targeting his home in Kars on 13 February. He was detained on Monday on charges of membership of an illegal organization by Kars Magistrate Criminal Judge, despite his health problems."
Başaran underlined that the power in Turkey cannot tolerate politicians fighting with honor.
"This government, - she added - which manipulate and violates law, justice and human rights every day wants to handcuff democratic politics. They still don't not understand that they could not silence Mahmut Alıak, who had been arrested 9 times before, by arresting and punishing him."
Başaran continued: "A political movement that gets its power from the people cannot be terminated with arrests. The AKP-MHP alliance has to face this historical reality. Mahmut Alıak will not stop fighting for the values and dignity of his own people."