The fourth congress of the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) will take place in Ankara on 23 February. Regional conferences and the congresses of the provincial and district associations were held in preparation. On Sunday the new executive committee will be elected and the working strategy for the coming period will be determined.
Saruhan Oluç, deputy chairperson of the HDP parliamentary group, talked to ANF on the state of preparations and the political content. Of particular importance are the discussion topics of the regional conferences that have taken place, at which the regional and general problems of the HDP were discussed, Oluç said and continued: "The discussions have revealed a perspective for the period ahead. This discussion process was very important for us. We have not only evaluated the past two years. In particular, it was about our organisational problems and deficiencies. We talked about the mistakes we have made. Before elections, the HDP prepares for them, and everything takes place in this atmosphere. The fact that several elections have been held in succession has held up the establishment of a stable organizational structure. We have become a mass society but no radical organizational foundation has emerged, especially in the neighborhoods. We see the current period as a phase in which we are working on these weaknesses. The congress is an opportunity to make this work visible, as in a showcase."
Broad participation and international guests
The HDP expects broad participation in the congress. International guests are also invited. In addition to representatives of numerous embassies, 54 parties and organisations from 26 countries have announced their participation. Oluç tells: "Of course, we will elect an executive board and the co-chairs. But it is also important for us to send an important message for Turkey and the Kurdistan region. This message is also addressed to our friends and brothers and sisters worldwide. We expect guests from the Middle East, from all over Kurdistan, from Europe and other parts of the world. The congress will bring together people who want to do something for the Kurdish question and the democratization of Turkey and show solidarity.”
Preparation for the post-AKP era
"At previous conferences, two fundamental points have been highlighted, which include the strategy for the coming period: The government in Turkey is worn out and the time has come to change it. It has done everything to institutionalise fascism and it continues to do so. I am not just talking about the repression against the HDP and the political opposition, but about all the changes that have taken place within the state. The government continues to lose prestige. What we have to think about above all in this situation is how, in the period following this government, we as the HDP can participate in the governance of a democratic Turkey and build alliances. We will ensure that a political basis is created on which all those who stand up for democracy, justice, freedom, equality and peace in Turkey can meet. In doing so, there must be no focusing on the next elections, and the time after the elections must also be considered".