HDP tells 18 ambassadors about the AKP's crimes

Özsoy said that the Law of Execution passed by the Assembly and excluding political prisoners is against both the Constitution and international agreements.

HDP Foreign Relations Commission Spokesperson and Amed Deputy Hişyar Özsoy held a video conference on 4 May with ambassadors from 18 countries.

Among the ambassadors were those of many European Union countries (Germany, France, Italy, Netherlands, Belgium and Spain), the UK, the US and Canada.

Özsoy talked about the recently approved discriminatory Law of Execution and the fight against the coronavirus epidemic. He also touched upon the seizure of municipalities, the attacks against the HDP-run 'Twin Family Campaign', the attack against the HDP-run Kars Municipality, the AKP-MHP attitude towards the coronavirus epidemic converted into a tool to use against the people, Rojava. demographic structure change and population shifting to the region, destroyed graves, health condition of political prisoners, ongoing death fasts."

Özsoy said that the Law of Execution passed by the Assembly and excluding political prisoners is against both the Constitution and international agreements.

Özsoy demanded that the European Union and the European Commission take a stance about this situation. Özsoy reminded the joint declaration of 11 Constitutional lawyers on 4 May, including professors such as Osman Can, Rıza Türmen, and Rona Aybay, and stressed that this law allows the release of notorious mercenaries but keeps politicians, journalists and opposition members in prison.

UN call for ceasefire ignored by Turkey

Özsoy noted that the US call for ceasefire to allow countries to properly deal with the coronavirus pandemic were ignored by Turkey which continue its operations in Northern Syria.

Likewise, Özsoy drew attention to the attacks against the HDP and its "Twin Family Campaign" aimed at helping families hit by the pandemic.

The HDP deputy also informed the ambassadors about the AKP media smearing campaign targeting Kars Municipality and pointed out that the AKP-MHP is continuing to use the pandemic as a tool to increase the pressures on the HDP and democratic opposition. 

Call for Ibrahim Gökçek

Özsoy also talked about the hunger strikes and death fast actions being carried out by Grup Yorum members, whose concerts are banned, and two lawyers.

Özsoy pointed out the critic conditions of Grup Yorum member Ibrahim Gökçek and called on the international institutions to do what in their hands to prevent his death.