HDP: YSK decision is a political conspiracy
The HDP reacted to the decision by Turkey's Supreme Electoral Board to deny mayors elected to take up office if they had been previously stripped of office.
The HDP reacted to the decision by Turkey's Supreme Electoral Board to deny mayors elected to take up office if they had been previously stripped of office.
Turkey’s Supreme Electoral Board (YSK) has ruled that district mayors elected on 31 March who had previously been stripped of office by Statutory Decree (KHK) will not be allowed to take up office.
The HDP has accused the YSK to have launched a political conspiracy with this decision.
The decision will affect HDP’s candidates for the Bağlar district in the south eastern city of Diyarbakır, and Tuşba, Çaldıran and Edremit districts in Van in eastern Turkey who will not receive their certification.
In Edremit, Tuşba and Çaldıran the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP)’s candidates were runners-up and will be awarded the mayor’s positions.