Historic strike against education system in France

People took to the streets across France and staged a historic strike, the strongest since 2000, against the education system in the country.

In France, masses took to the streets on Thursday and staged a historic strike in protest at the education system. A strike at this scale last took place in 2003 against the retirement reform of the time’s right-wing François Fillon’s government.

The strike took place with the broad participation of teachers working in primary schools, colleges, and high schools. 74 percent of primary school teachers, 70,5 percent of college teachers, and 65 percent of vocational high school teachers reportedly participated in the strike.

According to the Ministry of Education, only 38,5 percent of pre-school and primary school teachers participated in the strike while the strongest trade union SNUipp-FSU announced a 75 percent participation. One of every two schools in the country was closed.

Officials from the SNUipp-FSU said, “The strike was joined by a massive crowd, and this indicates the high anger in the educational community.”

Simultaneously with the strike, various actions took place across France. Tens of thousands took to the streets in many cities including Paris, Marseille, Rennes and Celermont-Ferrand. Leftist candidates for the upcoming presidential elections also joined the demonstrations.

Trade unions protest against the chaos caused by the health protocols within the education system and ever-worsening working conditions.