Hunger strikers in Strasbourg carefully monitored by doctors
The hunger strike carried out by 15 activists in Strasbourg has reached day 19 and many common symptoms are already visible in some activists.
The hunger strike carried out by 15 activists in Strasbourg has reached day 19 and many common symptoms are already visible in some activists.
The 15 activists who put their bodies at risk to protest against the isolation imposed on Kurdish People's Leader Abdullah Öcalan in the French city of Strasbourg are being monitored on a daily basis by doctors.
Doctor Fahrettin Gülşen reminded that there are things that should be considered to make the hunger strikers feeling better, for example, visits are useful in terms of giving morale.
The hunger strikers on their 19th day have lost between 4 and 7 kilograms. Dr. Fahrettin Gulsen underlined that fatigue and blood glucose level variation were detected in his latest monitoring. He added that some of the activists have experienced variation in blood pressure, vertigo, stomach burns and headaches, all of which began to increase, he said.
In addition, the urinary system was also being affected with burn sensation detected. In addition activists are experiencing heart rhythm disorder.
The symptoms that have appeared so far are seen in some activists, said Gülşen, but some of the activists may be exposed to further risks in the coming days, especially because of the heart variation.
Dr. Gülşen said that clots are especially risky, as they can cause paralysis if they reach the brain. Kidneys and liver are also at risk.
All in all, said the doctor, symptoms that appeared in the examinations are not very worrying at this time, but monitoring will be even stricter.
Since the start of the hunger strike, hundreds of people have visited the activists each day. Gülşen pointed out the importance of these visits to keep the morale of the activists high.
However, there are some rules for visitors to observe as well, said the doctor.
First of all, all visitors are encouraged to pay extra attention to hygiene, so they need to wash their hand and faces with soaps placed at the entrance of Strasbourg DKTM building where the hunger strike is carried out. This way, the amount of viruses or microbes that can be transported from outside due to winter can be reduced.
The doctor also pointed out the importance of reducing the direct contact of the visitors with the activists.
Gülşen said it is important to limit the handshake or kissing if possible. Because the room where the action is taking place is not too big, and the immune system weakens quickly, making it more susceptible to possible infectious diseases.
The symptoms of the hunger strike activists are manifested at certain intervals throughout the day. In order to allow the activists to relax, there are two separate times for visits.