Hunger strikes in Germany to continue in Berlin

Hunger strikers in Kassel, Duisburg and Nuremberg in Germany will continue their protest in Berlin.

Omer Bagdur and Cemal Kobane, who have been on an indefinite nonalternating hunger strike for 61 days in the Kassel DKTM, will continue their protest in the German capital Berlin starting from today.

Mustafa Tuzak, who has been on an indefinite nonalternating hunger strike in Duisburg for 77 days, and Siyar Xelil, who has been been on an indefinite nonalternating hunger strike in Nuremberg for 66 days, will also come together in Berlin.

Omer Bagdur and Cemal Kobane were bid farewell by their families from the Kassel DKTM.

The hunger strike will continue in Berlin at Paul-Lober Allee/10559 located between the Chancellor’s Office and the Federal German Parliament.