Imrali isolation discussed at DEM Party and PACE Turkey Rapporteur meeting

The Imrali isolation was brought up in the meeting held between the DEM Party and PACE Turkey Rapporteur Seven Shennach.

People's Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) Group Deputy chair Sezai Temelli and Parliamentary Administrative chair Saliha Aydeniz received Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly (PACE) Monitoring Committee Turkey Rapporteur Seven Shennach and his accompanying delegation in the Turkish parliament.

DEM Party members brought up the absolute isolation of Kurdish People's Leader Abdullah Öcalan during the meeting. They also underlined that the decisions of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) should not be implemented and that the principles of the Council of Europe should be followed in the Kobanê Case and many other issues.

During the meeting, the usurpation of Hakkari (Colemêrg) Municipality by AKP-MHP was also brought up.