Iran’s Minister of Defense Brigadier General Amir Hatemi visited Iraq yesterday to hold several official meetings mere weeks before the elections. Hatemi met with Iraqi National Security Advisor Faleh Al Fayad in Baghdad yesterday, and issued a statement afterwards where he touched upon Turkey’s attacks in the Bradost region in Başurê Kurdistan to expand their invasion: “I believe that Iraq should not be the place where countries in the region fight out their battles. For this reason, the Islamic Republic of Iran does not approve of the military operations in place. As Iran we believe that the national sovereignity of Iran and all countries shoud be respected.”
Iran’s Minister of Defense Brigadier General Amir Hatemi making a visit just weeks before Iraqi elections is significant. The visit is said to have the purpose of a cooperation for the defense and rebuilding of Iraq.
The two countries’ officials said in the statements after the meetings that there will be a new collaboration in forming a High Commission for Defense Cooperation. Iran’s Minister of Defense Hatemi spoke after the meetings and said the forming of the High Commission for Defense Cooperation between Iraq and Iran is of great importance. Hatemi said: “With the defense cooperation, Iran is prepared to rebuild neighboring Iraq together with Iraqis.”