ISIS attack in Anbar kills 7 Iraqi soldiers
ISIS has attacked the Iraqi army in Iraq’s Anbar city on Thursday, killing 7 Iraqi soldiers.
ISIS has attacked the Iraqi army in Iraq’s Anbar city on Thursday, killing 7 Iraqi soldiers.
Reviving in Syria and Iraq after the Turkish state’s attacks to invade Afrin, ISIS has attacked the Iraqi army in Iraq’s Anbar city on Thursday after their attacks in Mosul and Kirkuk. 7 Iraqi soldiers were killed in the attack.
Lieutenant Ahmed el Duleymi from the Iraqi army said in a statement about the attack that ISIS gangs ambushed the army forces in the rural areas of Ramadi’s Rutbe district.
Duleymi said 7 soldiers lost their lives as a result of the attack and 9 ISIS members were killed in the ensuing clash.
Political circles comment that ISIS is reviving as it went into action in Deir ez-Zor, Kirkuk and Mosul, and now in Anbar, in parallel with the Turkish state’s genocidal attacks against Afrin.
Politics experts say that ISIS is taking advantage of the YPG, YPJ and SDF, the most effective forces in the anti-ISIS campaign, moving to Afrin because of Turkey’s military campaign aiming to invade Afrin.