Joint action for Afrin in Lorient on March 31
Kurdistanis and allies protesting the Turkish state invasion will be holding a march and a rally in Lorient on March 31 in support of Afrin.
Kurdistanis and allies protesting the Turkish state invasion will be holding a march and a rally in Lorient on March 31 in support of Afrin.
Unions, political parties and institutions have decided to hold a demonstration to support Afrin and have announced the date in a joint statement. Workers unions in the Bretagne region and various associations and institutions support the demonstration for Afrin, which will be held on March 31 in Lorient, France. The march to start at 14.00 will continue into the city center where it will conclude with a rally.
Unions, political parties and institutions who support the Afrin demonstration are:
La communate des Kurdes de Lorient, L’Association culturelle des Alévis de Lanester et du Morbihan, Conseil Démocratique des Kurdes de Rennes, Amitiés Kurdes de Bretagnes, Union Départementale CGT 56, CGT-educ’ation 56, UD-CNT-29, Interco CNT22, SLB (syndicat des travailleurs de Bretagne), union syndicale SOLIDAIRES 56, Alternative Libertaire, Breizhistance, collectif de vigilance antifasciste 22, Ensemble 56, France insoumise Hennebont, France insoumise Pontivy, Groupe libertaire René Lochu, Génération S, Insoumis du centre finistère, Insoumis du pays de Lorient, Ligue des droits de l’Homme Concarneau, Riec sur Belon, Quimperlé, Nouveau Parti Anticapitaliste Bretagne, Parti Communiste Français 56, Union démocratique Bretonne, Vocal Bardak (all female band).